Our Fort Collins Handyman Can Help With Your Spring Checklist!

Yes, spring is just around the corner—and with our weather, there are many days when you feel that it’s already here! It’s time to tackle all those “preventive maintenance” things that are needed to keep your home in good shape. The items on this checklist can easily be handled by a one-day visit from our Fort Collins Handyman, so give us a call and let us help!

Our Fort Collins Handyman Services Include:

  • Attic – check and clean your attic’s power vents, as well as inspecting all screens for damage before birds start hunting for spring nesting spaces!
  • Exterior of the house – check for any holes in the exterior wall surface, through which animals might enter the fabric of your house. If you removed any downspout extensions for the winter, now is the time to reinstall them.
  • Decking – spring is the time to refinish your decking—providing it’s been dry for a few days—so that your deck is sealed before the sun hits summer strength.
  • Air Conditioner or Evaporative Cooler – last fall you probably were more focused on Thanksgiving than on giving thanks for this machine, but now would be a very good time to clean and prepare your machines for the summer. Take time to make sure there’s no damage to lines or insulation.
  • Outdoor structures – was there snow, ice or wind damage to any part of your outdoor living space this winter? If so, we can fix it.
So are you ready for spring, Fort Collins? We’re glad to help, so contact us today and schedule a visit from our handyman!

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